Saturday, May 24, 2008

Straight Key Century Club

Not very good at CW or just like using a straight key? SKCC (Straight Key Century Club) may be for you.
The Straight Key Century Club - a/k/a SKCC is the fastest growing group of straight key, morse code operators in the world. First organized in January of 2006 our membership has rapidly grown to include thousands of members from all corners of the globe.
Here's how it works:

* SKCC is open to any interested licensed radio amateur
* Membership is free
* SKCC numbers are issued for life. Once you get it, it's yours.
* Exchange SKCC numbers using a Straight Key, Bug or Side Swiper.

To Request a SKCC Number, send an email with 'SKCC # Request' as the subject.
Include: Your name, call, city and state and a brief description of why you're joining SKCC

Check it out at

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