Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poor HF Conditions - The Truth Comes Out!

HF operators the world over have been very frustrated about the length and depth of the current solar minimum. Never has one been so deep and so prolonged, it seems. Bands above 15 meters have minuscule openings and rarely off the north-south path; 20 meters opens late and closes early. The MUF even drops below 7 MHz at night as the band "goes long" and then closes up shop entirely. Old timers just scratch their heads, trying to think of similar circumstances. The dreaded words "Maunder Minimum" are whispered in the back rows at club meetings, and new hams wonder when the oft-related wonders of 10 meters will ever come to pass -- or if they are just more gauzy reminiscences.

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1 comment:

Otter said...

I Thought that was an April-Fools joke.

As IF there were only set of instruments watching the sun!