Sunday, November 30, 2008

Effects of the Atmosphere on HF Communications

This is a nice little tutorial about the effects of the atmosphere on HF communications by the Naval Postgraduate School.

In this module you will learn hoe the lower frequency radio spectrum is affected by the environment. Particular emphasis is on HF transmissions and how knowledge about the sun and ionosphere will help you predict how and why HF transmissions vary with time of day, latitude, season and space weather. You should progress through the module in the order below. There are no online answers to the study questions, but you may contact the instructor if there is something you do not understand. Each page below will have navigation button at the bottom of the page that will allow you to return here (the index) or go to the previous or next page.

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ARRL: QSLing Those Radio Memories

At the conclusion of a radio contact, the final courtesy is the QSL card. So, to conclude the recent run of Surfin's dealing with radio memories, it seems apropos to look at the QSL cards.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

First DXpedition to Clipperton Island

Long Delayed Echoes
by Jeff Davis

In this edition you’ll hear the story of Bob Denniston, W0NWX and the very first amateur radio operation from Clipperton Island. The journey was ill-fated almost from the start but the team perservered and FO8AJ ended up being a successful operation.

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Ham Radio Podclass

The ham radio class PodClass is hosted and taught by John Martin, KF8KK and Mike Dell, N7LMJ. John and Mike are both Amateur Extra class Ham Radio Licensees and have over (combined) 50 years in ham radio. This podcast will prepare you to take the Technician Class ham radio exam or your General Upgrade Exam at an FCC Volunteer exam session

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast v12.1

The Practical Amateur Radio Podcast is a show about Amateur (ham) Radio. Each episode we dive into any various topics related to the hobby of amateur radio. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Music Store

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

SolderSmoke #95

November 23, 2008

Amp design adventures with Spice, EMRFD
WANTED: NE602 Spice model
Pictures (from pirates?) in 80 meter waterfall
Problems space with tools and solar panels
QRSS news: W1BW 50 mw heard in VK6 and VK7
WSPR QRO controversy
IK0IXI's video on HB 8 band SSB rig
Ordering parts -- the aroma factor
1 uF caps OK for HF bypass?
Reading Recommendation: December 2008 Discover Magazine
Thanks for help on CD for Mike's wife
Paul WA1MAC: Chapstick PTO, alternate use for political lawn signs
Aisea 3D2AA: Listening from Fiji. Just retired, has Softrock kit
Bob NT7S: Has setup SolderSmoke Facebook
Steve G0FUW: Bath Build-a-thon January 17, 2009
Roberto XE1GXG: Getting married, took detour to radio row
Ben N1VF: An old friend from Vienna Wireless Society
Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith: Wants real gong, "Once upon a clip lead..."
John VK3AJG's FB SSB rig
Steve KG6NRM TAK-40 Pic project

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Ham Radio Shack Chat #5

Randy, K7AGE has been making "YouTube" videos for quite some time. In this episode he discusses the videos he plans to produce in the near future. However, what is particularly interesting is links to several podcasts that are related to ham radio. They are all very interesting and worth taking a listen to.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Are you ready for BPL in your neighbourhood?

Have you ever wondered what BPL interference sounds like. It's not pretty.

N3DNO's Antenna calculator

If you need a quick calculator for a dipole, vertical or three element yagi, this is the place to go.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

CQ Communications Acquires WorldRadio Magazine

(Hicksville, NY and Sacramento, CA, November 12, 2008) -CQ Communications, Inc. has acquired WorldRadio magazine, CQ Publisher Dick Ross, K2MGA and WorldRadio Publisher Armond Noble, N6WR, announced jointly today. CQ, based in Hicksville, New York, currently publishes CQ Amateur Radio, CQ VHF and Popular Communications magazines.

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Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Sun Shows Signs of Life

Nov. 7, 2008: After two-plus years of few sunspots, even fewer solar flares, and a generally eerie calm, the sun is finally showing signs of life.

"I think solar minimum is behind us," says sunspot forecaster David Hathaway of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center.

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