Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Ham Radio Video Series

Chris Matthieu, N7ICE, has started a new video series at http://73s.org/ . He is already up to episode 5. He covers a wide variety of subjects and seems to be on the leading edge on many of them. Here are the subjects covered so far.

Episode 1: 73s.org presents HamBrief episode 1 - News and reviews - Apple iPhone/iTouch CallBook application and Yaesu VX-7R review (5/5 diamonds)

Episode 2: Chris Matthieu, N7ICE, reviews the Icom IC-91AD.

Episode 3: N7ICE reviews ultra compact dual-band radios from Alinco and Icom.

Episode 4: Chris Matthieu, N7ICE, practices flying his new remote control helicopter before working on ATV video equipment.

Episode 5:
Chris Matthieu, N7ICE, provides updates on 73s.org QSO social graph, ADIF importing, APRS integration, and the new Ham Radio aggregator called HamFeed.com!

1 comment:

Chris Matthieu said...

Thanks for the 73s.org and HamBrief.TV write-up! We hope that your club finds the sites and content useful and entertaining!

Chris Matthieu