Wednesday, February 13, 2008

WIN System

Get a feel for what it is like to have a bunch of repeaters linked together via the Internet using IRLP. You can find the WIN System WEB site at Click on "Streaming Audio" on the left side of the page to hear real time audio from the system. Probably the best time to listen is during drive time. WIN System is in California so they're 3 hrs behind us.

The WIN SYSTEM is a series of linked, or Intertied, UHF (440 MHz, or 70 cm) repeaters that cover a great deal of California and with the IRLP, around the world. The WIN SYSTEM is owned and operated by Shorty, K6JSI, with a lot of help from the WI SYSTEM membership and WINSYSTEM Affiliates.

There are a lot of fine groups out there, and we appreciate your interest in the WINSYSTEM.

The WIN SYSTEM is not a Closed or a Private system, but rather a member supported open repeater system. We encourage all hams to stop in and get acquainted. Membership is open to any licensed amateur radio operator who wants to get involved with a growing, vibrant group, on the leading edge of technology.

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